Planet – KOHRfashion


One tree planted

1 order = 1 tree planted

KOHR has partnered with One Tree Planted to plant a tree for every order. Trees clean our air and water, create habitats for biodiversity, contribute to our health and wellbeing, and create jobs for social impact. We’re honoured to have reforestation through One Tree Planted as an integral part of our business model.


We use organic, biodegradable and deadstock fabric, components and packaging materials to ensure as little waste as possible. Our poly mailers are made out of a compostable material. Our stickers, postcards and tissue paper are all made from recycled paper.

To reduce fabric waste we use efficient layout plans to cut our garment patterns. Any scraps are saved and used for our scrunchies and bags or donated to local community art projects. 


The fashion industry uses vast amounts of water to dye and treat the fabrics. We consciously choose fabrics to help reduce our water consumption. 

90% of our materials are natural and un-dyed. Our cotton is organically grown and is significantly more sustainable and ethical as it protects our environment and the farmers from pesticides and vast water consumption. Our organic bamboo is manufactured in a closed loop system, meaning any waste used is recycled and used again. We use fabrics like organic hemp and linen that do not require the same amount of water as conventional cotton to produce.